Loving Your Whole Body

Why is loving your body important? And what is meant by ‘whole’? To answer these two questions, we need to put first things first and clarify what the words love and body stand for.
Love, in some ways, is still a mysterious word. Everybody seems to know what it is, but hardly anybody can respond immediately after being asked.
To keep it simple, let’s just stick with a general definition for now: Love is a state of mind, comparable with a strong feeling or a deep sense of affection for someone or something.
Body, on the other hand, is much easier to explain, but still not as simple as what most people think. Our body comprises four different kinds of bodies. The physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual body. Unfortunately, the last two are mostly forgotten.
Loving our body starts in the mind, comprehending that everything that we do is deeply connected and will always affect us in one way or another. To keep mentally fit, we can stimulate the brain by reading, writing, speaking, studying, learning new things & skills, exploring, thinking and solving problems. -> Disregarding inquisitiveness can end in stagnation and dissatisfaction.
Loving the physical aspect of the body is very versatile. It includes the right nutrition, hydration, limited use of alcohol, drugs & medication, stretching & strengthening exercises for a good posture, cardiovascular training, recovery & rehabilitation, hygiene, human touch, understanding pain and accepting physical boundaries. -> Neglecting one or the multiple might lead to social issues, mental problems and diseases.
Loving our emotions is probably the hardest one to learn, since they are not always pleasant to feel. Especially fear, anger and sadness are very difficult to accept. -> If pushed aside, they can be the number one cause for depression and illness.
Last but not least, loving our spirit. Finding out who we are and connecting body, mind and soul through e.g. mindfulness, meditation, yoga, Thai chi, etc. can be very empowering and liberating. This body is still highly underestimated, but luckily, awareness increases every year. -> Not knowing who you truly are might result in low self-esteem and disorientation.
Some above-mentioned activities could be listed in multiple categories since they are overlapping. It is important to understand that all four of them affect each other and that is the reason why we have to respect each body, taking enough time to give them an equal amount of attention.
Disregarding one can cause a lot of damage, not to think of what would happen if we neglect two, three, or even all four of them. The problem is that we don’t notice how much they are screaming for our attention and acceptance, because we are so busy taking care of everything and everybody else. But unfortunately, the consequence of withdrawal won’t hit us straight away. No, it creeps up on us, slowly but steadily over years and years. So make sure it’s not going to be too late.
Love your body!