5 Amazing Benefits of Yoga

Yoga is an ancient practice from India that is over 5,000-years-old and has found its way to Western society at the beginning of the 20th century. Originally practiced to connect body and mind, yoga has now established its own fitness culture around the world and is very well known for its many benefits. But what exactly are they?
Besides the ability to give us human pretzel flexibility power, yoga shows a significant impact on our body. Here are just a few reasons that will make you want to get back onto your mat.

The obvious comes first: Yoga makes us pliable. People who train a lot with weights have shorter muscles and are therefore less flexible. Most of us underestimate stretching as part of the pre/post workout routine, and this is where yoga comes in. Yin Yoga for example is lighter on our body and allows us to slowly work on tight joints, fascia and tissue while holding positions longer.1 Regular yoga practice stretches and tones the body and will help us to prevent injuries.
Hot Yoga increases our sweat production level rapidly, opens up pores and helps our body to get rid of toxins. The skin is our largest organ and has to deal with a lot of external influences throughout the day. By transporting more oxygen through our body, our skin will look healthier and premature aging can be delayed. Certain facial exercises can also support muscles in our face that prevent dropping and sagging and make our skin look toned.2
Yoga calms the mind and helps every Yogi to be present in the moment. Asanas, specific breathing techniques and meditation stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system which is the part of the brain that is responsible for relaxation. This lowering of cortisol and stress levels then leads to a more relaxed and happy state of mind.3
If our medicine cabinet looks like a pharmacy, maybe it’s time for a change. Yoga has proven that it can help people with migraines, back pain, asthma, and arthritis to lower their medication dosages and in some cases to get them off prescription drugs. When our pain level decreases, our mood becomes elevated and we feel human again.4
The best is yet to come: Yoga can lead to better sex. A wide range of positions stimulate our blood flow in the lower abdomen, strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and lead to a tighter down-there grip.5 Yoga also brings present’s awareness through conscious breathing and meditation. The easier it gets to turn off our racing thoughts, the more present we become and the better the sex between us and our partner will be.

We hope you feel inspired after reading the benefits of Yoga and want to get started! Try a free class online and see how you like it. You can find Yoga studios in almost every city, providing multiple classes throughout the day that fit your schedule. Even one hour per week can have a significant impact on your health.
Listen to your body and don’t be disappointed when you can’t raise your leg to the sky yet. It will come with time. Consistency is key. Namaste.
Written by Jenny Clucas