5 Home Remedies For Headache


If you are familiar with a sharp pain around your temples, vice like pressure on top of your head or a slowly upwards wandering tension that starts from the back of your neck, then our headache remedies are for you!

According to the International Classification of Headache Disorders (2019) there are over 150 different types of headaches and none of them are fun.1 But depending on the pain level you experience, not every type has to be cured with high dosed medication.

Here are five home remedies that will spare you a trip to the drugstore:



One of the most common reasons for headaches is dehydration. If the body loses more water than you drink, your brain can temporarily shrink as it is made of around 80% water. Dehydration causes the brain to pull away from the skull, and this results in a pulsating ache on both sides of the head.2 One or two glasses of water, combined with electrolytes if needed, should cure the headache within a few hours. 



Peppermint oil applied in circular motions to temples, the neck or forehead can help to relax muscles and ease pain caused by tension headaches. Studies have also shown that drinking peppermint tea has a similar effect on the body.3



Cold and hot packs placed in the neck area or on the head for about 15 minutes, numb pain and release muscle tension.4 If you are looking for a muscle relaxing product that will give you instant pain relief, check out our Microwaveable Neck & Shoulder Wrap. It has proven to be suitable for symptoms of stress, soreness, headaches and many more.



Yoga and stretching are key when it comes to tension headaches. A variety of different poses can help to reduce tightness in the head, neck and shoulders. Here is a detailed tutorial on how to do neck pain relief stretches properly. 



Dim the lights in your room, block out noise, maybe put on some classical music or go for a walk in nature. Try to relax. You can start with breathing exercises and guided meditation to shift your focus away from the pulsating pain in your head. Even though there is no classified stress headache, stress can definitely cause and worsen the symptoms.5


We strongly believe that headaches and migraines are one of the worst types of pain people can experience. Even though some triggers remain unknown, we do know that a healthy lifestyle with low stress levels and consistent physical exercise benefit our wellbeing in the long run. If traditional headache home remedies don’t cure your specific headache type and you require help, please talk to your health care practitioner about adequate treatments.

You can also check out our other posts and consider Remedial Massage TherapyYogastretching and improving your posture, which will have an additional impact on your health and might help to ease your headache.

Love your body!

Written by Jenny Clucas

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